Friday, September 21, 2007

Same Sex Marriage and the San Diego Union Tribune

I'm so disgusted with my local paper, the San Diego Union Tribune. I spent an entire day on Tuesday at the City Council meeting, for the vote on the resolution for the city to file an amicus brief with the CA Supreme Court supporting same sex marriage. Here is what I wrote to the Union Trib:

To the editor,

I was one of the many people present at the City Council meeting who oppose same sex marriage. Your reportage on this issue has consistently overlooked and marginalized us. Your readers would never know, for instance, that there were twice as many people speaking in opposition to same sex marriage as in favor of it. Your readers would never know that the “opponents who were angered by comparing same sex marriage to the civil rights struggle,” included three African-American pastors. These opponents also included the president of a teen chastity program, Angela King, a mixed-race woman who spoke movingly of her parents own experience with racism, but who has the sense to see the distinction between race, which is irrelevant to marriage, and gender, which is profoundly relevant to marriage.

You continue your bias with the fawning coverage of Mayor Saunders voting with his heart instead of his head. There are plenty of sound arguments against legally recognizing same sex marriage. For instance, it will destabilize the determination of parentage. In both Canada and Pennsylvania, courts have recognized three adults as legal parents. In the Pennsylvania case, Jacob v. Schulz-Jacob, the two members of the estranged lesbian couple as well as the biological father, all dispute one another’s rights and responsibilities. The children have all the trauma of divorce, multiplied. They have visitation with three adults, none of whom live together, none of whom are cooperating with each other.

We have all seen children of divorced parents shuttling from one household to another. If same sex marriage comes to California, we will be seeing children going among three or even more parents. Picture a little girl, going from her mom’s house to her mom’s former partner’s house, to her dad’s, to her dad’s former partner’s. Those little children, with their backpacks and their sleeping bags, are on your head, Mr. Mayor.


Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

1 comment:

elmers brother said...

Dr. forgive my off topic comment here...I found your articles in regard to Linda Hirshman while having a discussion with a young woman in law school. She basically parrotted Hirshman's polemic. Thanks for being clear and being on the side of women who choose to be mothers.