Prayer to Blessed Junipero Serra for the passage of California Propositions 4 and 8
Blessed Padre Junipero Serra, apostle and patron of the land of California, who founded missions thoughout this state dedicated to the glory of God and the spread of Christianity, we beg your intercession during this election season.
Today, California is awash in a sea of spilled innocent blood, pornography, and perversion. The one and triune God who you labored to bring to California's native peoples is being steadily forgotten, shut out from public discourse, and blasphemed by so many of her residents today.
Through your intercession, we beg that California return to its Christian roots through the passage of Propositions 4 and 8 on November 4, and that hardened hearts be turned once again to our Heavenly Father. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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